
马里兰州安纳波利斯. -今天,十大赌博正规老平台协会宣布,首席执行官基思·F. 南森蒙德印第安人部落的安德森, Michelle 贝利Hedgepeth and Jain Miller万岁 have been elected to the organization’s board of directors. 萨德·班奇和比阿特拉·威尔逊已经结束了他们的董事会服务.

“我代表董事会, 我很高兴欢迎我们的新董事会成员,十大赌博正规老平台协会董事会主席兰德尔·拉里莫尔说. 安德森局长,我是安德森女士. 贝利. 米勒每个人都有非凡的领导才能, 我们很感激他们选择分享他们的智慧, time and energy with our ambitious nonprofit as we work to protect 30% of the 切萨皮克 Bay watershed by 2030.”

我们感谢. Bench和女士. Wilson for sharing their expertise and leadership during their time on the board,拉里莫接着说.

“I am deeply honored to serve on the 十大赌博正规老平台 board of directors. The organization has had a tremendous impact on protecting the 切萨皮克 Bay and prioritizing the needs of its surrounding communities. 我期待成为环境管理不可或缺的声音,安德森校长说.

“我非常荣幸能加入董事会, 我期待着为这个组织服务,并把我的观点带到这个组织. I am passionate about environmental issues and particularly about environmental justice. I look at this appointment as an opportunity to pursue these passions and make a difference for communities of color,女士说。. 贝利Hedgepeth.

“I’m very excited to be joining the 十大赌博正规老平台’s board of directors and will work hard to advance the organization’s wonderful mission,女士说。. Miller.

首席执行官. 安德森

首席执行官. 安德森 serves as the chief and executive officer of the Nansemond Indian Nation, 弗吉尼亚七个联邦承认的部落之一. 部落服务区包括朴茨茅斯, Norfolk, 弗吉尼亚海滩, 切萨皮克, 纽波特纽斯, Hampton, 弗吉尼亚州的萨福克和怀特岛. 在成为主任之前, he served as the environmental program coordinator for the Nansemond Indian Nation, 加深他的经验和与当地的联系, state and federal officials and building on his lifelong interest in environmental justice. Chief 安德森 has 35 years of experience in cultural preservation and has served as a career parks and recreation professional for the City of 弗吉尼亚海滩, 位于切萨皮克湾入海口. 他是门罗堡管理局的董事会成员.

Chief 安德森 has committed his life to honoring the enduring traditions of American Indians across the globe and is a community leader who is “forged by tradition and thrives in the modern world.” He is an accomplished cultural presenter and the executive director of Red Crook-ed Sky American Indian Dance Troupe (RCS). With a core group of family members and friends, Chief 安德森 co-founded RCS in 2006. 在他的指导和管理下, the organization has been featured at nearly 200 venues across the United States and Canada. 亮点包括约翰F. Kennedy Center, Children’s Museum of Indianapolis and the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department. 加强他们作为充满活力的演讲者的声誉, Chief 安德森 and the troupe have been featured in a variety of publications, 艺术作品, 纪录片和电影项目.

Chief 安德森 holds a bachelor’s degree in health administration and sports sciences from the University of Richmond and is currently pursuing a certification in nonprofit management from Tidewater Community College. Chief 安德森 lives in Portsmouth, Virginia, with his two devoted sons – Kameron and Kalen.

Michelle 贝利Hedgepeth

Michelle 贝利Hedgepeth has extensive experience in local government operations, 研究及项目管理. She has over 20 years of experience working in cities and towns across the country on various issues. Ms. 贝利Hedgepeth has recently taken on a new position as the town administrator for the Town of Bladensburg, MD. Before that, she worked for Howard County government as assistant chief administrative officer.

专业, 她的专长是战略规划, 新闻/媒体关系, 性能测量, 地方政府政策执行与分析, 政府间关系, 特许经营管理, 劳工谈判及其他相关领域.

Ms. 贝利Hedgepeth holds a Master of Public Administration from Florida State University and a bachelor’s degree in political science from Purdue University.

2011年,她与丈夫和女儿搬到了马里兰州. Her hobbies include gardening, beekeeping, tennis and other outdoor activities. 她有个博客叫 BeeMore在这本书中,她试图记录自己在园艺和养蜂方面的冒险经历. 她还参加了几个专业和服务组织. Ms. 贝利Hedgepeth currently serves as the treasurer of the Harbor City (MD) Chapter of the Links, 杜波依斯集团的财务主管.

Jain Miller万岁

Jain Miller万岁 served as the senior vice president of people and DEIBA (多样性, 平等, 包容, 归属和可及性). 在加入FiscalNote之前,Ms. 米勒担任人力资源副总裁 & 华盛顿特区Cogent Communications的首席人才官.C., a publicly traded, global internet service provider with a highly diverse team of 1,200 employees. 此前,女士. Miller served as vice president of human resources for the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), 一个全球, 使命驱动的主要研究生商学院协会, 也是GMAT考试的拥有者和管理者, 她对所有人力资源部门进行战略监督. 在加入Cogent和GMAC之前,她曾是一名律师. Miller曾在WETA担任高管级人力资源职位, a public broadcasting station; Conservation International, a nonprofit environmental organization; Octagon, 一个全球 sports and entertainment content marketing company; and Discovery Communications, 一家全球性的媒体公司. 在此之前,. 米勒曾在几家公司担任人力资源职位, 包括探索通讯, 大自然保护协会和高盛, Sachs & Co.

Ms. Miller holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Connecticut, a Master of Business Administration in management and international business from the Leonard N. Stern School of Business at New York University and a Leadership Coaching Certification from Harvard University.

Ms. 米勒此前曾在波托马克保护协会的董事会任职, 人力资源领袖论坛, Job IQ, the George Mason University Career Services Employer Advisory Board and the McLean Estates Community Association. Vibha and her husband Greg will soon begin dividing their time between McLean, 弗吉尼亚和里霍伯斯, 特拉华州. 他们打算把注意力集中在一个更清洁的切萨皮克湾上. They raised their three children in McLean and recently welcomed a daughter-in-law. Ms. Miller enjoys being outdoors, traveling, gardening, hiking and spending time with friends and family.

